10 Questions You Should Ask When Choosing a Dermatologist

10 Questions You Should Ask When Choosing a Dermatologist

201605-directderm-questions-you-should-ask-dermatologistAt DirectDerm, we believe that the quality of a dermatology service is rooted in the training, experience and skills of the dermatologist – whether in person or in a virtual setting.

Whether considering virtual dermatology care or services in a brick-and-mortar clinic, we encourage patients and providers to investigate their options so they can make an informed decision.

Here are 10 questions we suggest as a starting point.

  1. Will my care be provided by a board-certified dermatologist? Where did your dermatologists receive their training? Are they licensed to practice in my state?
  2. If I give my permission, will the dermatologist work with my primary care physician or other healthcare providers and share my medical information with him or her? Do you comply with HIPAA standards for sharing and confidentiality?
  3. Besides photos of my skin problem, do you also require my medical history and a description of my condition and symptoms?
  4. After the initial assessment, will I have access to the dermatologist so I can ask follow-up questions?
  5. What happens if I have something serious – like skin cancer? Or what if I need surgery or other intensive in-person follow-up? Can you refer me to a qualified expert in my area?
  6. How soon will I receive a diagnosis and treatment plan after I have submitted my information?
  7. Are your services covered by my insurance?
  8. What if my skin problem needs to be evaluated by a subspecialty expert, such as someone who specializes in skin cancer or pediatric skin problems?
  9. What if I need a prescription? How can I be sure it won’t interact with something I’m already taking?
  10. Where can I go to find an independent, objective overview of your physicians? For example, are your doctors profiled on HealthGrades?

At DirectDerm, we believe that the quality of a dermatology service is rooted in the training, experience and skills of the dermatologist – whether in person or in a virtual setting.



Sunscreens & Your Skin

Sunscreens & Your Skin

201605-directderm-sunscreens-your-skinSunscreens are a key component to your daily sun protection regimen to decrease your risk of skin cancer and reduce the effects of skin aging.

How to select a sunscreen:

Select a water-resistant, broad-spectrum sunscreen with a SPF of 30 or higher.

SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor. The higher the SPF, the more protection from ultraviolet B (UVB) rays, which prevents sunburn. But SPF does not tell you about the level of ultraviolet A (UVA) protection.

A broad-spectrum sunscreen protects against both ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) rays to all exposed skin. Both UVA and UVB increase your risk of skin cancer and cause skin aging. The best broad-spectrum sunscreens have the following 2 active ingredients: avobenzone and octocrylene (look for them on the list of active ingredients on back of bottle).

How to use a sunscreen:

Generously apply sunscreen to exposed skin EVERY DAY, 30 minutes PRIOR to going outdoors. Re-apply the sunscreen every 2 hours even on cloudy days or after swimming or sweating heavily.

You should be using one ounce, enough to fill a shot glass, each time, in order to cover typical exposed skin, including your face, neck, chest, and arms.


